Hi all - a totally different tack today.
This is more for anyone visiting the blog from the driving links in my profile than the wildlifers.
I have been reading in the mags about the antics of some (and by the sound of it more than a tiny minortiy!) 4x4 drivers deliberately and wantonly leaving bona fide Green Lanes to have 'fun' off piste. How selfish and irresponsible is that.
We have already lost too many drivable lanes to the pressure from the 'antis' and you are giving them depleted uranium ammunition to get us banned out of the countryside altogether....you numpties! Especially when much of the 'damage' to the lanes is caused by legitimate farm traffic but still gets blamed on us.
I remember many years ago (eeehhh when oi worr a lad) I worked on the Garburn Pass between Troutbeck and Kentmere making it usable and safe for vehicles. Whilst there we had a party of off road bikers pass by, none of them, riders nor machines, were under 60. Now that lane is closed..why?...we want it back...along with all the others that have been used by wheeled traffic in the past. Just because 4 cylinders have replaced 4 legs shouldn't mean access is stoppped. That's discrimination....Should I have written this before the CROW Act?
So I say to those who want to get muddy, "Go to a pay and play" site and test your skill and machine to their limits OR stay ON the green lanes. If you think the 'p n p' sites aren't challenging enough think again, there's enough demanding terrain provided at all of them to keep my mate's 6x6 Volvo (aka The Moose) interested and that will go much further than any tricked up Defender/HiLux/Pajero (can you trick up a Pajero?)
And another thing.....I am (slightly) disabled but not enough to hire one of those quads they let you take on Public Footpaths but I can drive my car but I'm no longer allowed to leave the tarmac and explore. Has any one seen the track up Hellvellyn made by boots? I bet you can see it from space! I have slept at the summit shelter there in the past but now struggle to get up more than the lower slopes of Loughrigg Fell. So why can't I enjoy 'remote' countryside, I don't want to go charging off here there and everywhere, I'm quite willing to join a group to help repair any 'alleged' damage and my car has a tiny carbon footprint.
Gotta go now and pick up Disco from garage - new shocks fitted, unfortunately not enough pennies in the piggy bank to go for a lift, extra armour plating, etc etc but the car is only ever as good as the driver and I'm afraid I think my bottle goes a bit too early.
Anyone fancy a mass trespass a la the Ramblers?
Rant over...normal service will be resumed forthwith...see you at the trespass!