Friday, 28 November 2008
Nothing out there today

Thursday, 27 November 2008
It's not only (Grey) Herons that are called 'Frraaannnk'
Tuesday, 25 November 2008
Fun in the sun

In the last of the light we headed back to Base Camp - a good afternoon's safari.
Saturday, 22 November 2008
Northerly winds = ???
Monday, 17 November 2008
Bingo - We hit the jackpot!
Not just one. We knew there had been two seen from time to time but a thorough check of the bush revealed FOUR! Top count of the winter so far.
A brief look at the water had six Whooper Swans leaving the reserve replaced a few minutes later by 63 Wigeon whiffling in from up high. Their 'wheeooo' whistles are one of the sweetest sounds of the winter. In the bushes behind the hide there was a large flock of Long Tailed Tits, well over a dozen and a crackin' little Goldcrest in with them.
Back to Base Camp for a well earned cup of tea.
Where to next? There's Waxwings about...nice little birds, always worth a look.
In the meantime let us know what you have found in your outback.
Sunday, 16 November 2008
It's cooling down - it's not geting any 'otter!

Our second venue was to the nearby wetland. I always enjoy these Tussock Sedges. There was an old Tarzan film (Johnny Weizmuller I think) in which the baddies dressed up as plants similar to these and from their camouflaged position on the edge of the track they blow darted the passing safari parties - very scary for us!!!!

Tarzan's path looked just like this!! Hope there's no-one in there with poison darts today!

Where to next? An impromptu day off tomorrow so the Long Eared Owls are definitely on the agenda...fingers crossed.
In the meantime let us know what you have seen in your outback.
Friday, 14 November 2008
More gully stuff
Their young look like very pale versions of Common Gulls. But just to confuse the issue so do young Ring Billed Gulls - a rare but increasing visitor to Britain from America. I've not seen one for a while now. First picture is a young Med, dark bill and legs and a pale brown panel in the wing, the second picture is a young Ring Bill with a stout black tipped pink bill and a paler panel in the wing. You've got to admit they are similar and despite being much paler on the mantle than young Common Gulls are still quite tricky to pick out, being out-numbered several hundreds, if not thousands, to one.

The other species most regularly seen is the Herring Gull. This is the gull of seaside sound effects and stolen ice creams, sandwiches, etc. Large powerful, bold with a silvery grey back, pink legs and a strong yellow beak with a red blob - the gonyal angle. Very easy to identify in flight - look for the clean underwing with the translucent patch. Lesser Black Backs seen from below have a narrow black band along the trailing edge and no translucent patch.
Below are some annotated beach scenes from this afternoon. I really must get some digiscoping equipment. But if your down on the beach with your binocs or even just the dog these are the views you will get so the pictures are quite relevant.
Enjoy your gull watching whervere you are - there's far more to them than just 'seagulls'!
This is the sort of thing they were after on the beach. Lots of shellfish washed up after the recent storms. This one is a very fresh Prickly Cockle.
Where to next? I might have some more gull info about the 'white winged' gulls. but then there'll be a safari to report on over the weekend.
In the meantime don't forget to let us know what you have found in your outback.
And just in case we've upset any Australians with our multitude of gull species - here's a crackin' picture a Silver Gull.
Well worth the wait don't you think?
Thursday, 13 November 2008
A very quick bit about Shipworms
The Shipworm isn't a worm, it's a bivalve mollusc - like Mussels, Clams, Cockles etc. The valves have been modified to 'chew' through the wood and to prevent the hole collapsing and crushing the soft worm like body the animal lines the hole with a stiff calcareous tube.
Most of the large pieces of wood washed up on the beach have signs of infestation and they were a serious problem to mariners of old in wooden ships. Christopher Colombus had a copper sheath over the hull of his ships to keep them at bay.
Where to next? If time allows there might be some more gull pictures obtained.
In the meantime let us know what you have found in your outback.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Gulls, gulls, gulls....Gulls, gulls, gulls.
I couldn't see any Mediterranean Gulls and wasn't really expecting to. (One spent all last winter at Bispham beach a little to the north and to the trained eye was quite easy to pick out from the sea wall without binoculars - is it there this year?) They can be told from Black Headed Gulls as they do actually have a black head (although in winter all that remains in both species is a dark smudge behind the eye). The bill is heavier and a brighter coral red, the legs too are brighter red. The back - mantle - is much paler than the silvery grey of a Black Headed Gull. This one is a second summer bird as it has black feathers in the wing tip, adults have pure white wingtips.
More gull masterclass coming up in the future...when we might look at some immature plumages and throw in the confusing melee of 'Yellow Legged' Gulls.
If any of you are wondering -I didn't manage to get the head from the Porpoise, the tide had removed it before I got to it. Some of the spine was still there and it really stunk...not a sniff of the skull - if you'll pardon the pun.
In the meantime let us know what you have seen in your outback.
Where to next? We still hope to connect with the very elusive Long Eared Owls sooner rather than later we hope.