Wednesday 18 April 2012

The morning after the day before

The Safari drove down the  prom gazing at a flat calm sea, totally different to yesterday.
Once we were at the wall it was evident that the birds weren't out there in anything like the numbers the wind had brought. We soon spotted a Grey Seal poking its head up having a look  around and had a few Sandwich Terns, two of which gently fluttered over a Swallow (P2 62); Swallow and Sea Swallow together.
Nearby a male Common Scoter sat on its lonesome with four more about 200 yards away, in the far distance a flock of 15 made their way south along the horizon.
Also out todarwds the horizon a dribble of Gannets passed by, numbering five in all, while three auks shot past them...nothing over exciting then! And my was that north easterly cold!!!
We had to go for another look at lunchtime but weren't particularly hopeful as by now the tide was dropping fast.
The four + one scoters had hardly moved all morning but were now 'split' by two Guillemots. Something low over the horizon caught our attention away to the far north west, at first the white and black pattern suggested Gannets but the way they were flying suggested ducks, three Shelducks, don't think we've ever seen them that far off shore before maybe come from the Cumbrian coast or even the Isle of Man if they've flown in a straight line! Wherever they came from they made bee-line into the estuary.
We watched a Sandwich Tern fishing unsuccessfully close in and then noticed well beyond it in the shimmery distance a dark angular shape careening around thee horizon, concentrating on that proved successful as it was our first Arctic Skua  (158, 62) of the year. A warm cuppa now beckoned!
Where to next? Watch out for something completely different tomorrow, providing the weather behaves you might even get a pic or two.
In the meantime let us know what's careening around the horizon in your outback.

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