Monday, 27 December 2010

A thaw, a thaw, my kingdom for a thaw

The Safari hit Patch 1 in heavy snow early this morning, my it was coming down thick and fast, but the thermometer was showing a positive above freezing temperature - just. no sign of the Peregrine on its ledge - it was there on Christmas Day. This morning we saw a Woodcock sitting forlornly in the middle of the small grassy area, then another doing the same in the middle of the rough field. Leaving the rough field through the back of the 'Butterfly Zone' we flushed one from under the trees and back on the small field our original one was still there, we kept our distance but it moved off and we saw another or we think it was a different bird so deffo three and possibly four - a sad site record. Even with a thaw the ground is frozen that deep and the worms will be well below that so still well out of reach. A Song Thrush was an unseasonal sighting there too.
Back at Base Camp we did an hour's bedroom window birding which was productive starting with a flock of 20 or so Fieldfares moving south as soon as we opened the curtains. A Goldcrest appeared briefly in Wifey's Christmas gift from a few years ago, her Bird Cherry tree; within a few minutes a Lapwing flew over heading towards the coast - another excellent but sobering record. Three Blackbirds, a minimum of three Chaffinches, single Goldfinch and a Robin completed the list, other than the gulls which were unable to land on the table today do to the stiff breeze being from slightly the wrong direction.
Went to Ma n Da's yesterday for a family day - crikey theren't not far away on the South-side but they've had three times as much snow as us and of a totally different consistency too. On the way we always pass under this bridge which reminds us of a fellow blogger, don't know the lad but always read his pie related posts with succulent interest. Not sure if the pies in the pic are a 'pop' group or a reference to the sweet or savoury filled delicious parcels of goodness.

Whatever the reason someone risked life and limb and used a good few gallons of paint to make their statement. Best bit of graffiti we know of.
Where to next? Hopefully be able to get out on a 'proper' safari tomorrow.

In the meantime today is the day we decant that Sloe Gin we made in the autumn...wonder what it'll be like...

Late Edit...Five Greenfinches on the feeder this arvo and a very fast Sparrowhawk - unfortunately for him there were no birds in the garden at the time.

The hooch is ready and fierce - now on sale to NASA at 25 bucks a gallon...Mars here we come!!!


Warren Baker said...

You wont need a thaw after drinking that stuff Dave.

Good sightings today on your patches.

Lancashire and Lakeland Outback Adventure Wildlife Safaris said...

Only dared sniff it yet Warren and I'm already newt-like!!!



cliff said...

Venice has The Bridge of Sighs, & here in NW England our repost is The Bridge of Pies, marvellous :-)

Our garden birds seemed to have perked quite a bit today in the warmer conditions, much more activity & plenty of chirruping, by contrast I couldn't be bothered doing anything other than watch the telly.

That moonshine looks the business Dave.

Lancashire and Lakeland Outback Adventure Wildlife Safaris said...

Only the Scousers could have a Bridge of Pies Cliff.
Wonder if the moonshine will burn the butt out of my hipfladk?
