Blackpool's wildlife showed its Human side this morning at the start of Totally Transport bus and tram event. A young(ish) groom-to-be was cling-filmed stark naked to the Mirror Ball. Ah the joys of stag parties. As alluded to in the title it wasn't a warm day and the anemometer on the Solaris Centre's roof was showing gusts of over 70mph and an average speed of 40mph (storm force 9 to almost hurricane force 12!) . He ended up in the First Aid room suffering from hypothermia - in June!
I had a couple of brief escapes from my duties to peer over the sea wall for the elusive Storm Petrels - guess what? Yep - they're still eluding me! In fact, apart from a solitary Lesser Black backed Gull I saw no wildlife what-so-ever.
The sea was worth watching though. Absolutely tumultuous. Waves of about 10 - 22 feet high over the beach and at least double that out on the open sea towards the horizon. Spray and cobs of foam as big as car washing sponges were flying across the promenade. Last time we had a blow like this someone parked their boat on the beach. No chance of any Porpoises today and still forecast very windy tomorrow. Ah another chance to look for Storm Petrels - yes I'm get obsessed with the little fellas - I'm determined to see one this summer.
Where to next? 1pm - 2pm at the Mirror ball, National Whale and Dolphin Watch (aka Petrel Watch)
1 comment:
We have definitely not had any in Ramsey, or Rhumsaa as it is known for this week. Well known that's I've seen anyway. Nice weather your's having!
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