Friday 24 July 2009

National Whale and Dolphin watch - day 7

A sunny day today and plenty of helpers. But still too windy. some of the other watchers around the UK have been getting some good stuff, Orcas, Humpbacks, several Minke Whales...all good stuff, but nothing as yet off our five miles of coastline. Belated news this afternoon of two Harbour Porpoises just up the coasdt during the hot spell. Well that was the last time the sea was calm enough to be able spot them.
Anything to report - just three Sandwich Terns, hardly going to get our blood racing.
Better luck tomorrow I hope. The wind is set to drop a little for our four hour afternoon marathon watch - let's hope so.
In the meantime let us know which Cetaceans haven't been seen in your outback.

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