Wednesday, 23 September 2009

It's getting scoter and scoter

The safari has very little to report today - hardly worth putting finger to keyboard. Absolutely nothing in the park at first light, never known it so quiet.
The briefest of brief look over the wall at the sea. Again hardly anything to report but a flock of Common Scoters stretched out for about half a mile, but was nothing more than few yards wide. At a conservative guestimate would be between 5 and 600, with several more smaller rafts further out to sea. Nothing moving on the horizon or through the troughs.
After work back at the park a Peregrine is sitting on the ledge two thirds up the side of the water tower upsetting the local Magpies. It was sat up there in almost the same place a few days ago so I hope it's gonna hang around all winter, plenty of Pigeons and Woodies for it to chomp.
A weird picture today - my favourite, but most badly parked, Land Rover in town. musta been goig a helluva lick to get up there, look at the driver doin' a runner up the rope. Bet the parking vultures give him a ticket!

A wildlifey picture tomorrow if your lucky.
Where to next? More from the local area probably, might be the chance of a trip further afield on Friday.
In the meantime let us know who can't park in your outback.

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