Saturday 10 September 2011

Zino's??? - revisited

The Safari is well out of Safariland, now ensconsed in deepest darkest Wales. En route we only had a single Kestrel and two Buzzards, but best of all Wifey spotted Red Kite (193) (Phew pulled back level with Monika) from the driving seat - the furthest east and north we've ever had one in Wales!

Got a week here with a few target species to aim for. With heavy weather promised we are a bit far from the coast and if the conditions we drove through in the last few miles are anything to go by then getting to the coasst will be tricky...howevere with a selection of goodies likely to be about - but definitely not Zino's Petrel !

Anyone know what this little (c9 inches high) plant is?

Not one we're familiar with.

Where to next? Haven't got a clue...a lot depends on the weather and what the habitat is like locally - the field of sheep next door has a lot of Swallows flying over it weaving low in and out of the wooly land-lice.

In the meantime let us know if you are expecting Noahesque deluges in your outback this week.


Warren Baker said...

Enjoy yourself Dave -as best you can :-) Still be lots to see despite the wind and wet!

Aussie Glen said...

Gees Mate you should be here, Beautifull crisp day and sunshine to boot. Warming up to the sunrays on the Front Verandah of the Refuge Homestead. Life is good.Have a Cupp for us ok.